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Shannon Ragan

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Topic : Shannon Ragan
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OSINT guide: tools and techniques for threat intelligence

Open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques are invaluable to threat intelligence investigations. Find the tips, tools and shortcuts to…

SOC analysts: 3 non-negotiable needs for online investigation

An unprecedented level of cyber attacks and phishing attempts makes the security needs of SOC teams greater than ever

Overcoming roadblocks for using OSINT in law enforcement investigations

OSINT plays a large role in closing criminal investigations, but it’s still underutilized in law enforcement. We look at key challenges and…

Revolutionizing border security: harnessing the power of AI and OSINT

In an increasingly interconnected world, the challenges associated with border security have grown more intricate. The need to facilitate…

What is managed attribution, and how does it improve online investigation?

While many OSINT researchers recognize the need to avoid tipping off their targets, they're still fuzzy on the specifics of managed…

OSINT tools to improve law enforcement investigations

Use data aggregators to pull together info from courthouses across the country, add extensions to better utilize video and images and…

ChatGPT for OSINT: tips, precautions and ethical considerations

Using ChatGPT for OSINT can be a powerful tool — but this and other generative AI require continuous education and training to be utilized…

Maritime intelligence tips from OSINT expert Rae Baker

Plunge into the world of OSINT at sea (and in port) with the leader in maritime intelligence and NeedleStack guest Rae Baker.

Managed attribution for better ROI and researcher sanity

It’s time to be done with dirty networks, firewalls with more holes than Swiss cheese, and clunky DIY research environments that make IT…

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