Experience the ultimate flexibility with the Isolation API, allowing you to securely Quisque pellentesque id ultrices lacus ornare elit vitae ullamcorper. Learn More

Miguel Ramos

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Ensuring zero-trust application access for BYOD users with web isolation

Many companies now face greater cybersecurity risks with a remote workforce accessing web and cloud-based business apps on untrusted…

Why is web isolation right for zero-trust application access?

Granting access to critical data or business apps in a zero-trust security model hinges on having granular context around users and their…

generia blog

Authentic8 and LifeRaft: Simplifying workflow to get to ground truth faster

Integration between our Silo Web Isolation Platform and LifeRaft’s security intelligence solution, Navigator, provides the efficiency,…

generia blog

Solving the recurring collection and time tradecraft issues in online investigations

Collector Add-On: Silo for Research enhances researcher workflows to automate recurring collection of data at appropriate times to avoid…

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