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Matt Ashburn

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Topic : Matt Ashburn
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Understanding the dark web and how it can aid your investigation

What is the dark web and how does it vary from the internet most of us use everyday? Which darknet should I use for my investigation? And…

Managed attribution FAQs: answers to your most common questions

Authentic8 answers FAQs about managed attribution and misattribution from online investigators who need to cloak or be anonymous for…

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New White House action improves security of nation’s most sensitive systems

Presidential action expands the oversight role for the NSA regarding national security systems

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Incident response to APTs: stop data loss, maintain connectivity, find the adversary

When performing incident response to APTs, balance priorities of fully rooting out adversaries and limiting disruption to the business.

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Protecting against election interference in 2024

Despite near constant news around accusations of election interference, the 2020 general election has been called “the most secure in…

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