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Jeff Phillips

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Automate transcription and translation of foreign language videos for OSINT

OSINT pro but only fluent in English? Research videos and audio clips in 80+ languages to rapidly assess foreign language video and audio…

Blur graphic images, block sensitive content in OSINT research

Two capabilities every OSINT analyst should have in their arsenal are the ability to blur graphic images while searching and during…

A picture worth a thousand words: How EXIF data can further your research

Behind each image on the web is a story. Discovering the story may be easier than you think if you peel back the layers and peak behind the…

Defending against phishing, spoofing and business email compromise

Everyone can fall victim to a well-crafted social engineering attack. Learn how hackers use phishing, spoofing and business email…

5 key reasons why VPN alone won't protect you or your research

What you need to know about VPNs and the security implications that come with relying on it alone.

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Financial crimes investigation survey shows analysts hobbled by own firms

The 2020 Global Financial Crime Investigations Survey: 57% of analysts saw productivity stagnate or decline, introducing business and cyber…

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