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Latest episode

an image of the app, telegram

S3E74 | Is Telegram the place for cyber investigators?

In this episode, we sit down with cyber threat analyst and SANS OSINT instructor, Steven Harris. Steven discusses how Telegram is a must-use channel for investigating the war in Ukraine, and why cyber threat actors are flocking to the app.

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executive and his security detail walking

S3E73 | OSINT for executive protection
S3E73 | OSINT for executive protection

NeedleStack waveform logo with pixelated, padlock outline

S3E68 | Breaking in: how to use OSINT for pen testing
S3E68 | Breaking in: how to use OSINT for pen testing

hands using phone screen and connecting with its networking features

S2E60 | Social media intelligence gathering with Ritu Gill
S2E60 | Social media intelligence gathering with Ritu Gill


Latest podcast

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
detective looking through monocular

S2E38 | How OSINT is changing in…
S2E38 | How OSINT is changing in federal government

five people sitting around a table and studying

S2E37 | OSINT’s journey from academia…
S2E37 | OSINT’s journey from academia to decision-makers

cyber graphic of fingerprint on lock

S2E36 | Is your digital fingerprint…
S2E36 | Is your digital fingerprint following you into 2023?

image: law enforcement officer looks at documents, a bullet through a lock and wavelengths

S2E35 | The best of season 1
S2E35 | The best of season 1

Chair next to a bookshelf

S1E34 | Book club: This Is How They…
S1E34 | Book club: This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends

Person reading a book with a mug in hand

S1E33 | Book club: We Are Bellingcat
S1E33 | Book club: We Are Bellingcat

Man teaching code

S1E32 | Practical OSINT tips from the…
S1E32 | Practical OSINT tips from the field

Podcast Landing

S1E31 | Subverting censorship through…
S1E31 | Subverting censorship through tech

fact-checking techniques

S1E30 | How to perform a fact-check:…
S1E30 | How to perform a fact-check: from start to finish
