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Latest episode

an image of the app, telegram

S3E74 | Is Telegram the place for cyber investigators?

In this episode, we sit down with cyber threat analyst and SANS OSINT instructor, Steven Harris. Steven discusses how Telegram is a must-use channel for investigating the war in Ukraine, and why cyber threat actors are flocking to the app.

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executive and his security detail walking

S3E73 | OSINT for executive protection
S3E73 | OSINT for executive protection

NeedleStack waveform logo with pixelated, padlock outline

S3E68 | Breaking in: how to use OSINT for pen testing
S3E68 | Breaking in: how to use OSINT for pen testing

hands using phone screen and connecting with its networking features

S2E60 | Social media intelligence gathering with Ritu Gill
S2E60 | Social media intelligence gathering with Ritu Gill


Latest podcast

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
  • Option 3
  • Option 4
Woman sitting at desk doing investigative work with NeedleStack logo on left side

S2E56 | OSINT by day and night
S2E56 | OSINT by day and night

Two robots sitting by the fireplace with a black and white filter over them and NeedleStack logo on left hand side

S2E55 | How AI is disrupting OSINT for…
S2E55 | How AI is disrupting OSINT for better or worse

graphic of hand holding microphone

S2E54 | Keeping up with AI and social…
S2E54 | Keeping up with AI and social media

The back of a woman in an airport walking with a bag on her back with Needlestack logo on left side

S2E53 | AI-enhanced technology for…
S2E53 | AI-enhanced technology for frictionless borders

Robotic hand touching screen with balance scales on it representing AI ethics for OSINT

S2E52 | The ethical use of AI in open-…
S2E52 | The ethical use of AI in open-source investigations

Image: Futuristic screen with robot face and search bar that reads "command prompt" with Needlestack logo in corner

S2E51 | Leveraging generative AI for…
S2E51 | Leveraging generative AI for OSINT

Image: A human brain plugged into a microchip to reference machine learning with NeedleStack logo in corner

S2E50 | LifeRaft: What security teams…
S2E50 | LifeRaft: What security teams need to know about ChatGPT

Image: waves under water with NeedleStack wavelength logo

S2E49 | Maritime OSINT deep dive with…
S2E49 | Maritime OSINT deep dive with Rae Baker

Image: New York City skyline with NeedleStack wavelength logo

S2E48 | GEOINT for funsies with…
S2E48 | GEOINT for funsies with JoseMonkey
